Why Do You Believe What You Do?

TODAY At 7 PM eastern on www.libertyworksradionetwork.com
A look at what influenced the core beliefs of Samuel Adams and many of the Anti-federalist. What was influential in their understanding of the Reformations impact on political thinking that gave then the perspective on Federalism and Constitutionalism?
We have this great mix of what individuals think the American Dream is or should be. We have a confusion in our political thought as to what Liberty is. Many act or react on what I have called over the last decade ‘the American DNA’ but no one has really done the genetic research. Those that claim they have are influence by the ism and post-foundational revisionist historical truths.

Today on Samuel Adams Returns – The Anti-federalists Got It Right I take us back to the roots of that which our Founders studied, better yet, what their ancestors, those that landed in the 1600’s were intimate with.

The "Plan" – Will the Elections Matter

Over the last two weeks I have been commenting on the elections, especially the Senate, during the at least one segment of my Radio Program “Samuel Adams Returns – The Anti-Federalist Got it Right.”  I’ll mention the elections again tomorrow night but….  Right NOW, I have to comment about the continuing usurpation and despotism that is accelerating in the administration.  And you know what, The new Senate or the combined Republican majority of the Congress is not going to do a single thing about it!!

I want to comment on two areas that are in the forefront: the first – Amnesty and second climate change.

Unilateral action on Amnesty is nothing more than tyrannical despotism and usurpation of the Constitutional Authority of Congress (PERIOD)  It is clear that it is only Congressional authority that can establish any rules or laws regarding immigration as noted in Article I. Section 8. Clause 3 (PERIOD)  I’m not going to belabor this one since there are enough opinionated pundits yapping their jaws and not sticking to the rule of Constitutional Law.  Well, maybe there are few out there but the reality is that the Repudiacins** that are the leadership in the House and the new Senate majority are ready to again give up their authority – but for what?  I’ll let this dead horse lie and move on for others to continue to beat it since the lawless usurper is going to act unilaterally.

Now, climate insanity:  This we know began with Bush #1 and got into full swing with ‘no cigar’ Clinton.  The point is that the Goremeister has continued to have direct influence in this globalist administration with the full push of destroying the US economy and deepening the enslavement of the Citizenry through “climate change,” sustainability and EPA regulations.  I appreciate this short clip from Varney & Company regarding the destructive deal the usurper made this week with his communist comrades.  Remember, that the despot promised to raise energy rates when he was initially running for president.  Oh, I will comment that the despot is not concerned about his legacy but he is concerned about executing the agenda of his globalist/communist masters.

Which leads me to a quick note on communism in the United States.  Well, it has been here as socialism since the mid-1800’s and has had full fledged marxist/gramsci-ites since the 1920 deeply imbedded in our various federal departments, especially the State Department and so on.  So here is a lesson for you to read, if you have the courage to do so, learn what happened as a strategy that is in full implementation and force from the takeover of Czechoslovaki.  In the booklet, “And Not a Shot is Fired” by Jan Kozak (Member of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia), you learn of the strategy that was key in Gramsci’s process of world communist take-over.  In the forward to the John Howland Snow, Introduction to “And Not a Shot Is Fired” (New Caanan, CT: The Long House, Inc., 1972; “Snow tries to warn everyone as early as 1962 about the dangers of “agencies” the intent of which is to take power and authority away from elected officials and place it under “agencies” who’s personnel is “NON-elected.”  This formula on how to convert representative government into a socialist government, altering the governmental processes of the bvicimized country inot regional agencies, is detailed by communist Jan Kozak.  Quite obviously, this method is being used on state and federal levels all over the U.S. A., whick is the reason why we have not been able to stop communist advancements.  We CANNOT vote out personnel in non-elected agencies! Agencies now have more power over the personal lives of the people than was ever delegated to elected representatives!”

And the new “majority Congress” will be gutless to use the power of the purse to stop the tyranny! 

I’ll be discussing a proposed strategy next week on the radio program.  It will follow the Samuel Adams model to a great extent.

**Repudiacin is the establishment republican that fulfills the following definition of “Repudiate” from the dictionary:  a) refuse to accept or be associated with Constitutional original intent or those who are of that understanding and mindset.  b) deny the truth or validity of the Biblical Reformation Sovereign of the universe as the Founders did and the original intent of the US Constitutional Republic.  c)  chiefly Law refusal to fulfill or discharge (an agreement, obligation, or debt) in relation to the fundamentals of Constitutionalism in the united states as originally intended under the Founders understanding of ‘federalism.’

October 25, 2014 S. Adams – Christian Culpability in the 17th Amendment

This topic is in the archives of the radio program, Samuel Adams Returns – The Anti-Federalist Got it Right for October 25, 2014.
This is an interesting and difficult topic.  This digs deep into the way that progressivism, socialism and yes, even communism embedded itself into the Christian denominations of the 19th and early 20th Century.  This topic brings to light the move away from what the Federalist had hoped for – a Christian Reformation Gospel that would maintain a religious and moral people such that electing moral, virtuous and wise men would keep the Republic and Liberty secure.  And this fulfills what the Anti-federalist more clearly understood – That mankind was sinful and that all sort of attack would ensue even within the context of the churches without individuals holding to the Reformation Gospel Principles and Truths.
This radio program takes on the challenge of bringing to light what happened in a parallel course of events – The rise of socialism and communism in America: the parallel influence in the political arena and at the same time in the Protestant denominations.
Samuel Adams Returns with insights to stir the minds of men today as Samuel Adams set the brush-fires of the mind aflame during the rise of the battle for Liberty!
Listen to the program on Saturdays at 7 PM Eastern.  The hosts page for more information.