Deception in Health Care

The critical mass of what we are seeing played out in the present Paul Ryan Health Bill debacle is absolutely easy to understand if…. One has paid any remote attention to ‘treaties’ and UN requirements. Now this commentary is not conspiracy theory junk. In my seminar “From Covenant to The Present Constitution: The Tale of Two Constitutions[1]” I show in detail from the State Department web site that we are entangled to the tune of about 10,000 treaties and ‘executive agreements.’  George Washington, in his Farewell Address warned us not to get captured and enslaved this way.
I’m going to keep this commentary short. Those that know me are rolling on the floor laughing! The simple analysis on why we ended up with what I call Congress Care (obama-care) in the first place begins in 2001. Yes, 2001 with a UN report by none other than – “the UN committee that monitors compliance with the Race Convention (CERD).” Continue reading

Educating the Press and Civil Servants

The Press:

John Sargent 1921 (Wikipedia)

John Sargent 1921 (Wikipedia)

Imagine having to walk out into a pit of vipers every day – the mixture of colors before you blending into a kaleidoscope that is highlighted by the sun like spots in the room. The hissing of the venomous hypnotic mixture working every sound of soothsaying to bring you closer, closer for them to wrap a coil or two around you and inflict you with a rapid bite of insidiousness. A quick response and one of heads of this emerged Hydra falls to floor with immediate screeches that cause the head to reproduce two fold. Yes, this is the environment that Sean Spicer walks into daily. What causes this den to slither and shriek now when it was tamely at rest for as many as eight to fifteen years?
The complex answer has to do with the advances that those who do not respect or desire our Constitutional Republic have made in the seats of bureaucratic operations. I know, you lift your eyebrow at that answer. The reality is that for almost two generations we have not educated our children in any actual concepts of what a Constitutional Republic is let alone how it should operate. Worse, the den of vipers and their litters are the direct products of the national academic milieu of antithesis imbued with Hegelian Dialectics. In other words, they don’t know, understand or desire to know Founders Constitutional Intent. Therefore when the slightest semblance of Constitutionalism enters the field, the vipers’ nests are threatened and respond with all that is seen in every Spicer press briefing.
How to clean out this crowd of venomous creatures. My simplest solution is to have them take a Constitutional seminar to temper some of the deep seated disdain for what the United States is. The reality that most so called journalist schools are managed and controlled by socialists if not out right Marxists in known by all who honestly investigate. My answer to those wanting to participate in briefings need to understand that the Administration has a Constitutional duty to perform and they need to get educated with Founders Intent for the operation of the Republic. I’m not sure if Spicer could do this but, I’d tell those wanting into the den that seating will be arranged according to proof of those holding a certificate proving they completed 60 hours of Constitutional education from the perspective of Founders Intent.
I will list my recommendations for this training at the end of this statement. By the Way, Samuel Adams understood the corruption of the mainstream press such that he started his own newspaper.
Civil Servants:
The treachery at every turn in the various bureaucratic departments reporting to the President has a very simple answer: Loyalty to the Constitution.
In doing some simple research, it is made very evident that ‘All Federal Civil Servants Shall swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution.’ The following is from the Federal Employee Data information:
“As Federal civil servants, we take an oath of office by which we swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. The Constitution not only establishes our system of government, it actually defines the work role for Federal employees – “to establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty.”
The history of the Oath for Federal employees can be traced to the Constitution, where Article II includes the specific oath the President takes – to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Article VI requires an oath by all other government officials from all three branches, the military, and the States. It simply states that they “shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support the Constitution.” The very first law passed by the very first Congress implemented Article VI by setting out this simple oath in law: “I do solemnly swear or affirm (as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States.”
The wording we use today as Executive Branch employees is now set out in chapter 33 of title 5, United States Code.
Oath of office
An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, ———-, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
My point here is that each Federal employee should be required to re-swear or affirm this oath. In conjunction with this and because we have not properly taught the Constitution since the mid 1800’s, the employees shall attend the 60 hours training. If an employee refuses either, then they are not eligible to remain employed.
The common answer for much of what is going on in the US today is that we have not properly taught our Foundational Truths. Heck, a 5th grader in 1829 was smarter on the full function of the Constitution then the judges on the 9th Circuit Court. Arthur Stansbury, in 1828 compiled the “Elementary Catechism on the Constitution of the United States for the use of Schools.” I am updating the comprehensive text that I have given to Legislators and lawyers to see if they could answer all the questions. Nope, most missed more than 50%.
Now, after exhaustive research and review of Constitutional education my list is as follows:
Number 3: Hillsdale College online studies. They are free but they don’t have the quality student to instructor interaction I believe necessary to comprehend our Constitutional Republic.
Number 2: The Institute on The Constitution. They have a Great DVD series that can be facilitated well by knowledgeable person.
Number 1: Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Studies. “Healing of America Series.” This is the best well-rounded and fully historically correct program that I’ve seen or participated in.
Now, let’s Make America Great Again by having a society that understands what the Founders Intended for a Great Constitutional Republic.
Contact me regarding MAGA through Constitutional Seminars for your employees and communities.
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Article V & Convention of States – Confusion

For a long time there has been conversations and arguments regarding what Article V is about, how to use it and what does it mean.  Many in the so called ‘conservative’ ranks operate on fear relative to the progressive/communist taking possession of Congress, the Presidency, Courts and even into the States and local offices.  Fear is a good thing and does allow for caution but, fear without full knowledge, understanding and strategy leave one paralyzed to act.
I was asked to join the fray of those discussing this issue.  Everyone goes to the so called experts.  One of the major problems in our nation is that we look to academia, politicians, lawyers and think-tanks as the experts.  That is NOT what the Founders intended.  They expected that each Citizen, that means you, would be the expert in self-governance and our Constitutional form of federalism.
So I’m going to let you listen for yourselves what this one Citizen has figured out.  I preface these video’s with me being a Citizen Circa 1774 to 1804, meaning:

  1. I can read
  2. I understood the events of the Revolution
  3. I known that even most enterprise, craftsmen, business people understood common law and the English system of law & justice
  4. Knew that states had more than one convention for various purposes
  5. Understood my state Constitution and how it was formed
  6. Had a good sense about the Articles of Confederation
  7. Read the Federalist arguments in the news Papers
  8. Read the Contrary – Anti-Federalist Article in the news papers
  9. Understood the reporting of my states “Ratifying Convention”
  10. Paid attention what was happening in the first Congresses
  11. Active in local as well as national issues

The Article V Confusion:
Part 1 – Introduction, Opinions and some history of Conventions in America:
Part 2 – The Compact for America – described as the properly outlined and historically correct Template for the Amendment process as called by the State:
Part 3 – Action Items – What we must do!
The challenge is to Be a Citizen as our Founders Intended us to be.  I heard Trevor Loudon last saying again that we are the last hope of the world for any idea of Liberty.  Knowing our historical truths are critical to restoring our Republic.
Be engaged with your feet on the street to inform your neighbor or we shall have the 100 year plan of progressive communism thrust upon us in full force.  I was reminded that when ‘original Massachusetts Bay Charter’ was revoked and James II sent a governor (Sir Edmond Andors) to Boston, He was met by an Armed Citizenry that escorted him to prison where he remained for over ten months.  The point being that the Citizens did not put up with tyranny.  But today, we have been made so stupid regarding our Rights and Liberties that we have allowed all that our ancestors fought and died for slip into the hand of the evils they wrote, talked and preached against.
God Help us to restore Liberty that is in Him first!

John DeWitt No. II – Decision Time & Considerations

“John DeWitt” II
The author that used the pseudonym of John DeWitt is unknown.  As the writer challenges the Citizenry to take a hard look at this un-amended constitution.  What would be the perils to the individual and the States that were minimized by a well-constructed State Constitution with Bills of Rights?
The Key Points in this article are:
1.  A PERPETUAL form of government
2.  Difficult to change
3.  Chances of poor administration
4.  Changes opposed by those who benefit most of the power
5.  NO Bill of Rights
6.  Defines a Compact
7.  Those in power through tacit implication would subsume all rights of the people
“John DeWitt” II
Massachusetts, October 27, 1787
Continue reading

Brutus VI – What about States Rights?

Brutus VI

27 December 1787
Key elements for the modern Citizenry to consider that is addressed in this letter regarding the Constitution as submitted to the states in 1787. Some of these elements are future looking, to the present, where as others are in continuum for as long as there are States.
Questions to be answered:
• Will the general government absorb the states?
• What of states rights?
• Does the general government have sufficient provisions to guard against misuse or abuse of power?
• Will the taxing authority of the general government take away what is needed within the states to execute their internal affairs?

Key Points:
1. The powers given to the legislator have no other limitation than the discretion of the Congress.
2. The “necessary and proper” clause will allow the legislature to do as they please.
3. The states taxing power is subservient to the general government such that in the future, the states cannot fund their activities and “the state governments will be dependent on the will of the general government for their existence.”
4. Through law and taxation the general government will establish agents and enforcers to execute the collection of taxes and penalties such that “… but it will not be many years before they will have a revenue, and force, at their command, which will place them above any apprehensions on that score.” Thereby usurping the rights of the people by use of force.
5. The constitution gives taxing power on every aspect of life such as:

a. “Cider (distilled alcohols and wines)

i. “… necessary to license the mills, which are to make this liquor,

b. “Porter, ale, and all kinds of malt-liquors

i. “… to regulate the manufactory of these,

ii. “… Every brewery must then be licensed
iii. “… officers appointed, to take account of its product, and to secure
the payment of the duty, or excise, before it is sold.”

c. It will wait upon the ladies at their toilett, and will not leave them in any of their domestic concerns…

d. … will enter the house of every gentleman, watch over his cellar, wait upon his cook in the kitchen, follow the servants into the parlour, preside over the table, and note down all he eats or drinks …

e. … it will take cognizance of the professional man in his office or his store …

f. it will follow the mechanic to his shop, and in his work,

g. it will be a constant companion of the industrious farmer in all his labour,

h. it will penetrate into the most obscure cottage; and

i. finally, it will light upon the head of every person in the United States.

6. Argues that the “general welfare” clause is nebulous and that, “It will then be matter of opinion, what tends to the general welfare; and the Congress will be the only judges in the matter. To provide for the general welfare, is an abstract proposition…”
7. The expectation for the elected would be “For every man, rulers as well as others, are bound by the immutable laws of God and reason, always to will what is right.”
8. The fear of Brutus is: “… The government would always say, their measures were designed and calculated to promote the public good; and there being no judge between them and the people, the rulers themselves must, and would always, judge for themselves.”
9. Finally, that the states have the same ability to take care of their needs to govern by independently have the financial resources to do so.

Full Text of Brutus VI

 27 December 1787    Continue reading