Original Intent Analysis of 10 Point Immigration Plan

Trumps 10 Point plan Aligns with Founders Original Intent
I was asked to put this summary from my radio program that I did back on September 10, 2016 into an actual paper that had more then the reference pointing us to the Founders perspective on immigration. I have always looked at immigration from the personal perspective and then the way that it was intended to function.
Just a short personal perspective: My grandparents on both side of my family came to the US through the scrutiny of Ellis Island. As Wikipedia notes, “Ellis Island, in Upper New York Bay, was the gateway for over 12 million immigrants to the United States as the nation’s busiest immigrant inspection station for over sixty years from 1892 until 1954.” The story goes that my great-grandfather on my dad’s side was a coal miner in the Wyoming Valley of Pennsylvania. Although the family on my dad’s side in the last 100 years is Roman Catholic, my searchers, so far indicate that my great-grandfather and his sister were Polish/Lithuanian Jews who most likely changed to Catholicism because Jews were not really welcomed via Ellis Island during the late 1800’s migration of people to the US. On my mother’s side my grandfather came from the German side of Poland and her mother from the Russian side. I remember the stories of the Cossacks riding into her town and one even placing his long-spear head at her chest while she prayed for God’s mercy on her.
Why is this important as I look at (now) President Trumps immigration plan as stated during the campaign? Continue reading